
What is the Best Age for Braces?

What is the Best Age for Braces? Parents often ask us what is the best age for braces? Truthfully, there is no universal answer. Everyone’s mouth and teeth develop at...

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Is Invisalign Painful?

Is Invisalign Painful? Since its invention in 1997, Invisalign has become one of the most popular and sought-after orthodontic treatment options. Unlike...

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What Is A Good Age to Get Braces?

What Is A Good Age to Get Braces?

Many people wonder what a good age to get braces is. Here, our orthodontic specialist in St. Augustine will go answer all of your questions from the ideal age to the types of...

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Braces-Friendly Lunches for School

Braces-Friendly Lunches for School

Are you looking for a kids orthodontist with tips on braces-friendly foods? If your child has braces, then there are certain foods they need to avoid for a while. This can be...

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