How to Maintain Great Oral Hygiene During Orthodontic Treatment

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is crucial, especially when undergoing orthodontic treatment. The journey to a healthy smile can be both exciting and challenging, and taking care of your teeth and braces or aligners is a vital aspect of this process. 

In this guide, we’ll explore practical steps to ensure your oral health stays good throughout your orthodontic treatment. Let’s dive into why oral hygiene is essential and how to maintain it effectively.

Understanding Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment, whether through braces, aligners, or other appliances, is aimed at achieving well-aligned teeth and a balanced bite. These treatments can work wonders for your smile and overall oral health. 

However, they also introduce new challenges in maintaining proper oral hygiene. The wires, brackets, and other components can make brushing and flossing a bit trickier. Now, let’s talk about the common challenges and why oral hygiene is important.

Common Hygiene Challenges

One of the primary challenges of maintaining oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment is the increased risk of food chunks getting stuck in your braces or aligners. This can lead to a buildup of plaque, which can cause cavities, gum problems, and bad breath. If oral hygiene is not prioritized, these issues can disrupt your treatment progress and lead to longer treatment times.

Building an Effective Oral Hygiene Routine

To combat these challenges, let’s outline an effective daily oral hygiene routine:


Begin by using a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Brush gently and meticulously around each bracket, wire, and other appliance components. Pay special attention to all tooth surfaces, including the front, back, and chewing surfaces. Aim to brush after every meal and before bed for optimal results.


Flossing is non-negotiable. It helps remove food particles and plaque from areas your toothbrush can’t reach. Invest in floss threaders or interdental brushes to navigate between wires and brackets. Alternatively, a water flosser can be a helpful tool. Commit to flossing at least once a day to keep your teeth and braces clean.


Incorporating an antimicrobial or fluoride mouthwash into your routine can offer additional protection. It reaches areas that may be tough to access with a toothbrush or floss. However, avoid using it immediately after brushing, as it might wash away the fluoride from your toothpaste.

Diet and Orthodontic Hygiene

Your diet plays a significant role in maintaining oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment. Sticky, hard, and sugary foods can damage your braces or aligners and create an environment conducive to plaque buildup. Opt for a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. These choices promote healthy teeth and gums while supporting your overall well-being.

Maintenance of Orthodontic Appliances

Caring for your orthodontic appliances is essential to ensure their effectiveness and longevity:


Avoid chewing on pens, ice, or other objects that could damage your braces. If a wire becomes loose or a bracket breaks, contact your orthodontist promptly for guidance.


For removable appliances like aligners, keep them clean by brushing them with a toothbrush and water. Never use hot water, as it can distort their shape.

Regular Dental Check-ups

Regular visits to your dentist are pivotal during orthodontic treatment. Your dentist can reach areas that are challenging to clean, ensuring that plaque buildup is kept in check. Dental professionals can also detect any issues early on and address them before they become more significant problems. Schedule check-ups every 3-6 months or as advised by your orthodontist.

Handling Orthodontic Emergencies

Emergencies can arise unexpectedly. Knowing how to handle them can prevent further complications:

Broken Wires or Loose Brackets

If a wire is poking or a bracket is loose, use orthodontic wax to alleviate discomfort temporarily. Then, contact your orthodontist for advice.

Irritation from Wires

Sometimes wires can cause irritation. Use a cotton ball, gauze, or orthodontic wax to cushion the area. Reach out to your orthodontist if the irritation persists.

Get Advanced Oral Hygiene Care in St. Augustine, FL 

Prioritizing oral hygiene throughout your orthodontic treatment journey is essential for achieving the smile you desire. Proper brushing, flossing, and maintaining a healthy diet are key components of this effort. Regular dental visits and knowing how to handle emergencies round out your strategy for maintaining great oral hygiene.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your treatment progresses smoothly, and you’ll be on your way to a beautiful and healthy smile.

Remember, your commitment to oral hygiene is a direct investment in your oral health and the success of your orthodontic treatment. So, keep brushing, flossing, and smiling – you’re well on your way to a confident and radiant smile that you’ll cherish for years to come.

To learn more about getting advanced orthodontic treatment, schedule a free consultation today.