Getting Braces for Your
Kids & Teens
With extensive training in both pediatric dentistry and orthodontics, Dr. Henry is committed to helping kids and teens enter adulthood with a confident smile. When braces are part of your child’s treatment plan, you can trust our team to anticipate unique pediatric issues, resolve them quickly, and reveal a beautiful smile in a timely manner.
When does my child
need braces?
Children can need braces as early as age seven.
In fact, about 40% of patients can save time, money, and discomfort by receiving orthodontic treatment before their teen years. Dr. Henry will work with your family to identify whether or not your child needs treatment, as well as the optimal timeline for your child’s oral health and comfort.

What are my options?
Your child’s options will depend on their unique smile but may include metal braces, Invisalign, partial braces, other orthodontic appliances, or simple monitoring.
Dr. Henry will work with you to find solutions that suit your family’s needs and help your child achieve:
Talk to An Expert.